A Great Real Estate Agent

What makes a great real estate agent? I have received this question many times and the answer is actually pretty simple. Basically, a great real estate agent is someone you can trust. Most importantly a great agent is someone that actually does what they say they will. Let me expand a bit on this topic though and give you an idea of the traits you should be looking for in an agent.
Top of the list, whoever you decide to work with should always get back to you in a timely manner. Whether it be responding to an email or returning a voicemail that you have left, a great agent will follow up. Communication is so very important no matter what side of the transaction you are on and no matter whether you are a first-time home buyer or a seasoned investor who has participated in 100 transactions. However, keep in mind, it is unrealistic to expect your agent to answer the phone within the first ring every time you call but you should expect a call back in a timely fashion. You should never have to wait more than a few hours for a return call if your voicemail was left during normal business hours. On the other hand, you should receive a call back the following morning if your voicemail was left after normal business hours.
Other traits you should look for boil down to professionalism. Your agent should be punctual and if he or she is going to be behind schedule they should advise you ahead of time. Your time is important and so is your agent’s, so if you’re running behind schedule or won’t be able to keep an appointment, let your agent know as soon as possible.
An agent should know the market that you are interested in. If he or she doesn’t know the area and know it well it would be more professional of them to put you in touch with another fellow agent that does know the area. Your agent should keep a good pulse on the market in the area that he or she works to include average sales prices, time on market, and general property availability.
Your agent should have good negotiating skills. Real estate transactions usually involve some give and take on both sides of the transaction and you should work with an agent that knows how to negotiate for your best interests. Negotiating involves more than just sales price. There are many things that go into the transaction that will require some negotiation.
Key Lime Real Estate agents are all great agents. We look forward to proving it to you!
Rob Van Stronder
Broker/Owner – Key Lime Real Estate Inc.